Reunion Groups

Reunion Committee left to right.

Judy Schluz (Scully), Mary Anne Whitman (Maiser), Pam Douglas (Svihel), Pat Miller (Carlson), Nita Conard (Larson), Mike Quinn, Matti Stulberg (Hoffman), Jim Aamodt, Dodi Holcher (Swanberg), Don Michel, & Randy Harju

This photo was taken by Jim's lovely wife Marcia.

Click on the photo and it will enlarge so you can see what a great looking group we are? 

If the reunion is half as much fun as we are having putting this together it will be a huge success.

Southwest Classmate Luncheon 1/20/11 in Mesa Arizona

Lynne Peterson (Broshears), Sandra Welch, Beverlee Parenteau (Orluske) Gary Orluske

Lynne Puck, Steve Puck, Barry Welch, Don Michel
Left to right, Jim Hagquist, Curtis Judd, Larry Bergren

Sun City Arizona
Left to right, Verle Aarness, Jane Eidam (Aarness), Sue Doss (Bicknese) Mike Quinn, & Jim Kelly

Sun City Arizona
Left to right, Mike Quinn, Verle Aarness, Jane Eidam (Aarness) & Jim Kelly
Mini Reunion with Dodi Holcher (Swanberg)  Nita Conard (Larson) and Roberta Hanning (Sandberg)